Gatekeeper is creating a community that involves 40.000 elderly citizens and stakeholders from the supply and demand sides (authorities, institutions, companies, associations, academies) in 8 regional communities, from 7 EU member states. If you want to be involved as relevant actor inside and outside the consortium sign up.


The Website That Visualizes Human Activity in Cities Across the World

The data from mobile phones is revolutionizing our understanding of human activity. In recent years, it has revealed commuting patterns in major cities, wealth distribution in African countries, and even reproductive strategies in western societies. That has provided unprecedented insight for economists, sociologists, and city planners among others. But this kind of advanced research is just…

Source: The Website That Visualizes Human Activity in Cities Across the World

AIoTai- Advanced IoT and AI for secure, efficient and sustainable personalized health data access at regional and EU level

AIoTai- Advanced IoT and AI for secure, efficient and sustainable personalized health data access at regional and EU level

The GATEKEEPER Puglia Pilot Site — in which MultiMed Engineers cooperates, jointly with AReSS, InnovaPuglia, Fondazione Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza IRCCS and Fondazione Politecnico di Milano — will be discussed in an upcoming EIP on AHA Workshop on the role of IoT and AI in healthcare.

Source: AIoTai- Advanced IoT and AI for secure, efficient and sustainable personalized health data access at regional and EU level – EUROPEAN INNOVATION PARTNERSHIP – European Commission